Fanfare Da Camera (2012)
Instrumentation: 2 trumpets and trombone
Duration: 5 minutes
Program Notes:
I was delighted to be able to write this work to celebrate Da Camera’s 25th anniversary. In the true spirit of chamber music, reflecting Da Camera’s mission, my fanfare is not for a full brass section, but a small trio of players, two trumpets and one trombone. It also makes use of the spatial possibilities in Cullen Theater by placing each of the trumpets in the balcony and having a lone trombone on stage. The trumpets often echo each other antiphonally, as in the mysterious opening of the work, and the trombone often serves as the main focus of melodic material. The three instruments ultimately come together in the end to state the material in true fanfare fashion.
--Pierre Jalbert
© 2016 Pierre Jalbert, Fanfare Da Camera
Photo: Julia Jalbert